Friday, September 24, 2010

A Late Tribute to 9/11. (Forever Relevant)

WTC still remains in spirit. 
Damn.. It feels like just yesterday when this all happened. My third day in the 6th grade at Yonkers High School. A bright-eyed 11 year old with a heart of gold (okay, i'll stop!).. i digress. It was a perfectly warm, early September day. A high of about 70 degrees without a cloud in the sky. Whether you were 11 or 81, you had no idea of knowing that this day would tear a great big hole in the New York Skyline, the already tense relationship between people of middle eastern decent and Americans, and our sense of security. 

4th period. Lunch. Eating my signature Turkey Sandwich, with Lettuce.. sometimes Tomato... and definitely sprinkles of black pepper. With a Kool Aid Jammer.. probably the cherry variety. (i kick it old school, if you didn't know). An announcement from the loud speaker quieted the noisy cafeteria, to a low hum. Our principal, almost resembling FDR, delivered the shocking news of the terror attacks. Imagine how difficult it must have been to pass on that information to middle school children. Kids who go home and watch Hey Arnold and Rocket Power, suddenly have to understand what terrorism is. For some it was an incredibly traumatizing experience. It was a confusing day. Everyone was on edge. 

An endless amount of early dismissal calls shortly ensued. Some kids, left behind their innocence; lives changed forever. There were a few that lost family members. Fortunately enough for me, I did not lose anyone to the attacks. 

After a weird, confusing, eye-opening day. It was finally time to go home to watch the never-ending news reports, all depicting the same drama. The collapse of two great architectural achievements. There were even photographs of a man who jumped out of one of the Towers to his instant death. It was so surreal. Watching everything go wrong. I had never witnessed anything like it, in my life. I had the mind-state that no one would be able step on our soil and touch us. We were vulnerable, just like everyone else. Not impenetrable. Not invincible. A very scary reality. 

Not to forget the tragedies that happened in D.C. and in that open field in Pennsylvania. I tell you the story from my point of view. 

It took me sometime to get over the sound of helicopters and airplanes flying overhead. I was lucky. Some had it much worse, therapy, depression, etc. I appreciated life so much more after that. Looking back on it, 9 years later, I have a much greater appreciation for life. 

As a New Yorker, it still hurts, but If there's one thing about New Yorkers.. we always bounce back. We wont forget. I certainly won't. 

R.I.P. To all of our fallen fire fighters, police officers, civilians, and soldiers who fight for us overseas.  

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

An Ode to Yonkers.

As this summer makes its final curtain call, I prepare for my return trip to the Left Coast, Golden State, L dot A dot. Usually by this time of the summer, I have become sick of Yonkers (my home), its dirty congested streets, the only outlet mall Yonkers residents seem to go to (Cross County, y'all know.) and that perpetual feeling of hopelessness when asked about politics and the financial state of the city. (our libraries don't even open on the weekends anymore)

For those who have never lived in Yonkers, luckily you don't have to experience it. These feelings cannot be felt from the first 5 minutes of being here. It takes a while for it to settle into your lungs, liver, stomach, and gall bladder. As this cancer of (insert word here... I chose hatred) metastasizes, the first thought is how you ended up in Yonkers. The second: How do you leave? 

Some end up leaving and settling elsewhere while others stay and put up with the corrupt politics. When I first had the opportunity to leave, I jumped at the chance and moved to California. Best move of my life and I have not looked back. My goal is to stay west. If it doesn't work, I always have a home in NY.  

Fortunately, I only spend 4 months a year here, so the feeling of hatred is minimal and I have learned to appreciate the simple luxuries the city has to offer. A quick route to the city via the 1 and 4 trains near the borderline of Yonkers and The Bronx. A nice waterfront with a stunning view of the Palisades from the George Washington Bridge (links Manhattan to New Jersey) all the way to the Tappan Zee Bridge (links Westchester and Rockland Counties). The list goes on, but those are my favorites.  

I love California, The first time I have ever fell in love with a place of residence. Never have I met people who actually loved where they lived. Very refreshing indeed. 

At the conclusion of my second school year at CSUN, I realized that for the first time I was actually homesick for Yonkers. Upon my return, I saw everything in a different light. The streets weren't so dirty, the people weren't so ghetto, and the economy wasn't that bad. I was home, none of that extra stuff mattered. My new found appreciation for home forced me to realize that I had the best of both worlds the whole time.  I wouldn't trade this for anything.  

It took me a while to get to this point, but the key is to never forget your roots. Home is where the heart is. My heart will forever remain in Yonkers, despite its vast infrastructure problems. I am who I am today, because of Yonkers. You never know how much a place means to you, until you leave. 

The love/hate relationship continues.